By the frequency

canstock1995090You can discover when you are hurting

by the frequency of things causing anger

to rage like a hot tea-pot

given no respite

you can know when you are in pain

by the diminishment of senses

stillness in one place

as hours tick over head

submerging you in silent trespass

in a life that feels suddenly

void and laid bare

you can ask of yourself one last time

to stand up and listen to the barking dog outside

howl his discontent in a way you may never dare

the buzzing in your head a tickle

mindful it’s not over yet

there is a life waiting, maybe not

as full as some would have it

for there are those who go alone

and those who need a hot air balloon

we are all capable of flight

even if long hidden are our smiles


that trespasser of calm

wills us on

until at last there is only


and we can say

we lived a life honestly

we did not let pain

wear us into flat stones

to be skimmed merely on surface

we submerged ourselves

like hot children

running for the relief of water

hear them now

they are so eager

22 thoughts on “By the frequency

  1. What a powerful description of emotions ! The sense of eruption, calming, another eruption … it’s almost like going along for the roller coaster ride

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