
almas-gemeasWe may call ourselves




but as soon as we hang up

our dancing shoes

and put away

those lovely outfits

that stir life

like a well made cocktail

it is then

in the glow of firelight

and solace of old age

we rediscover the child

waiting within

as eager as ever

to reach out

on tip-toe


31 thoughts on “Tip-toe

  1. You are so lovely my friend. Thank you so much. Happy New Year to you for tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful 2017. I did close my account down because of some online madness, but with this similar account I am back 🙂 so appreciative of your kindness my friend.

  2. Well I think self esteem issues and progress from the high school mentality might be issues. Some never ever impress enough when returning to a high school reunion or home to visit the folks.

    I enjoyed my 2 past H.S. reunions because I never did give a damn what folks thought of me, even in H.S.

  3. My Friend, I wanted to thank you for your support. You have that rare thing, a pure and good heart and I know that and I am SO grateful to know you. You affect people in such a positive way, every week, I hope you know that. I hope you know how appreciated and loved you are. xo

  4. Sarah, If I have never told you before how much your writing moves me, how much your insight and compassion in this world is needed and valued, then I hope you read this because I truly feel that way and I am always, always so grateful for your friendship and your existence in this WP land because you are a light and a goodness we all need so very much. I hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend. Thank you.

  5. Oh my gosh Candice, this means so much to me, thank you! I will never forget the kind way you encouraged me early on in my blogging. I love that WP can bring such different people together who share love of writing, and your talent has inspired me so much! I am very grateful our paths have crossed too. You are unique and intriguing and the honour is mine xo

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