The unhealed


If you opened me up

maybe with a zip or a crow bar

it is my belief inside I would be

eighty percent water from the sea

and twenty percent ghosts

who upon being freed

would walk away and let me be

so when I look longingly

at your scalpel or your blade

it is not because I wish to meet my maker

not yet anyway

but the irresistible urge to be freed

of these ghosts who pinch and knead

even if you fitted a zip dear sir

or inserted a pipe to let the smoke pour

anything would be preferable to this canker

an ulcer of lament forming malcontent

they weigh a lot for emotions past tense

no matter how hard I try they gain the upper hand

that’s what happens when your body is a grave yard

for souls who ripped you apart

you carry your history like a series of scars

nobody can see, they think you’re doing well

underneath your sequins it’s a bloody hell

sometimes I wish you could see how I feel

the cavernous maw of the unhealed

they don’t let go of my throat with their squeeze

when people jump I’m not surprised

who can live with such unease?

the ghosts inside us, reminding we’re never free

until we vanquish their poison

so give me some mercy

let them out

I would like to fly

but I have lost the ability to float

38 thoughts on “The unhealed

  1. Jumping is never the answer. And as you know I say that with all of me. Those ghosts and scars can be healed. For some that may seem impossible or a road that is too very long, but it isn’t. It truly isn’t. You are surrounded by love and it is my life’s mission to make sure people know this. I know what happens when they don’t. And while I tried my best to change how that one felt I couldn’t. So I strive to make sure others know they are part of the love that is us all.

  2. yes so true my friend so true. I agree, if we know we are surrounded by love it helps us move forward rather than give up. I think your efforts WORK and are always appreciated and make a difference in this world it’s one reason of many I really like you xo

  3. This made me reflect on my life so bad and how……………just, yeah. Once again Candice the best of the best

  4. The 80% sea water and then 20% ghosts metaphor carried through rest of poem is particularly effective. It provides a solid backbone for your narrative. Well done.

  5. My mentor told me to put all the “ghosts” in a suitcase, as it were, and send it with a one-way only ticket to Mongolia or the moon or some other place far, far away. And then never to attempt to retrieve it or open up and let the ghosts out! It actually worked quite well. Love and hugs, N 🙂 ❤

  6. the ghosts inside us, reminding we’re never free

    Perfect wording–love the truth in those lines

  7. Some days just suck and we may feel a little beaten down and lost but we are survivors my friend and we need to keep reminding each other that we are bad asses. There is steel under there and hands reaching out here if you need them.

  8. Indeed! Makes me think WordPress could be renamed to something that more accurately reflects that reality 🙂 the Crap press maybe. Oh dear, I need caffeine lol. Hugs back

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