Is this you?


Portrait of man and two women in orchard --- Image by © Robert Recker/Corbis

Is it you?

the girl who knows lustful eyes are on her back

is it you?

talking to your female friends

when a man enters

you reveal your choice every time

the man comes first

women only afterward

is it you?

thinking they don’t notice

when your eyes drift

from female conversation

to a man’s deeper tone

as if attention were garnered toward

the male of the species alone

don’t you see? you put down women

with every favor you give a man over


and whilst you may say

no that’s not true I am an equal opportunist

an observer will note

the change and variance of your attention 

you are a creature of men

owned by their regard

choosing them first in every scenario

sadly undermining

the worth of women

it is surely what lets us down most

the value we place on each other

being less than the other gender

call me an old embittered dyke

biased in her choice

if you need to

but truth speaks

louder than worship

and I must ask

is this you?

73 thoughts on “Is this you?

  1. I love the colour changes in the clothes when they walk from room to room. His early movies from the 70’s and the eighties are his best.

  2. Definitely. I think he did a series of films much alike in that visual splendor and metaphor and sexuality and disgust and obscure and viseral and overt. A good balance. I liked all of those of that period. Did you watch HANNIBAL when it was on TV or via Netflix? I find that has the same mis-en-scene completely and is transfixing by that alone. To me that’s what art via film can achieve though it is rare. Another modern example is Vicram Seth’s work (sp) he did The Cell which I felt was very unrated.

  3. Is that the one with Jennifer Lopez? I really liked that and it was panned by critics… it was very surrealistic, and well done. I watched the first series of Hannibal and I enjoyed it. I haven’t got round to the second series yet. The Falls by Greenaway is a very strange movie.

  4. It’s complicated…so much comes into play…I think those kind and nurturing qualities bite us in the butt when we encounter dominating egos that are also fragile…and then self worth issues, father issues and on and on. Oh my gosh, don’t get me started hahaha and then reality tv shows that glorify such awful attributes, yikes. Long conversation ❤

  5. Right? Why was it panned? There’s another one he did btw it’s Tarsum Sing wow I’m so bad with names. He’s VERY good. The Cell is SO underrated I thought it was superb. Hannibal is one of my favorite ‘series’ because of that visual emphasis. I haven’t seen The Falls I must see it.

  6. haha oh yeah, that’s infinitely better than the others…I haven’t even watched them, but whenever I have seen a commercial for “desperate housewives…” I want to stab my eyes out. They way those women carry on and treat each other. The whole premise for shows like that is just crazy sad imho.

  7. There is this mysterious person ahead of me, he’s really into surrealism and he knows a lot of random interesting stuff, we talk sometimes, he’s kinda fascinating, he’s always one step ahead …

  8. So many GREAT films are like that. What springs to mind off the top of my head – Heavens Gate, some superb parts and some DIRE bits. Repulsion. Metropolis, un chien andalou, Battleship Potempkin, Citizen Kane etc. Wonder what that IS?

  9. I love Repulsion… it has my favourite Catherine in it, also and obviously Un Chien Andalou. You are right, maybe a great work of art has to encompass as many emotions as possible and boredom is one of them.

  10. Me too. I mean I think boredom is always a factor in the more arty long winded ones, as if recognizing it as a state we pass through on the way to another state – exactly

  11. I think we are on the same page, we usually are. I think we need to have a good knock down fight about something, though I have no idea what…😘

  12. Now if the man was Sean Connery, or Richard Gere ……ooops, showing my age 🙂

  13. Oh? Is the Scottish in him? I rather like him myself, as you probably guessed 🙂

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